Next New

The next new media is going to be something like you see on Star Trek- A virtual type of world were you will have access to media and websites, not at your fingertips but by what you are thinking. It will be a hologram type of media. We wake up in the morning we watch TV on the television or on our IPad- I imagine a world were we will be able to watch a virtual tv while we are in the shower, or log in to the computer and access our data while we are doing other things. It will voice activated no buttons, no typing, just speak your thoughts and it poof, you will have it. Getting ready in the morning and want to watch the news while taking a shower just say business news and a hologram appears and you can watch TV and shower at the same time, you want to cook while watching a cooking channel, just say the words and a virtual show appears in the kitchen. Of course we will need devices either on us or in the room, but it will be totally hands free and anyone could use as the system will recognize voices. The system will also keep track of each person’s preferences

This virtual type of world will tie right into all of your social media so you wouldn’t have to “update”, the system will recognize the person and provide automatic updates. Taking pictures, the hologram will appear and let you select the pictures you want to post by saying a word associated with the picture the system will recognize and ask you to confirm and poof, without touching buttons your status and pictures are posted. It will dramatically cut down the time it takes to update as the system will track and ask you throughout the day if you want to update. Essentially, it would be like having a personal assistant that would ask you throughout the day how and what you want to update, what you want to watch when you get home and have it ready, adjust you music list based on your mood and of course you would be able to shut it off when you want your privacy.

Of course this is going to have the same issues as current social media, privacy concerns, accesibilty concerns, and security concerns. The future is going to have some interesting social media, the questions I continue to have is social media crave a fad? I think it will be around forever, but it may not be as popular in 10 years as it is now, everything always seems to go in and out of style and the questions is how long will it last or are we entereing a totally new phase where social media is going to control everything we do from the time we wake up until we go to bed.

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